working with list in Dart/Flutter

Working with List in Dart/Flutter

A list is a way of storing data in a list of order. In other programming, languages like PHP and javascript Array is used as a list. List…

working with list in Dart/Flutter

Null Safety in Dart and Flutter

By default, all Dart variables and methods are non-nullable, meaning they can’t be or return null. So, to make a variable or method nullable, meaning to be or…

working with list in Dart/Flutter

Dart Override toString() method In a class

If you have a class and you override the toString() method, it will return such a string method when the instance/object of the class is printed. Why? when…

working with list in Dart/Flutter

Working with DateTimes in Dart Or Flutter with examples

The DateTime class provides methods to work with dates and times when developing flutter or dart applications. An example could be an instance in time of June 20,…

Flutter vs React Native

5 Reasons Why You Should Choose Flutter Over React Native In 2023

Are you confused about choosing between Google Flutter and React Native for your next cross-platform-app? Well, in this article I will show you reasons why Flutter is much…

disable back button flutter

Override Or Disable Back Button Flutter Appbar – The Easy Way

Learn how to override/disable back button pressed in flutter applications to make your app standout from the rest. Why because, whiles users are interacting with your app, they…

disable back button flutter

Solve the method ‘setState’ isn’t defined for the class MyApp error in Flutter

You can solve the error The method ‘setState’ isn’t defined for the class MyApp error in Flutter by simply creating your own StatefulWidget widget. The main reason whey…


Flutter error: setState() called after dispose()

When building apps with Flutter framework you will often encounter this common error “Unhandled Exception: setState() called after dispose() or during build.” This exception is related to something…

disable back button flutter

How to Shift Focus to Next TextField in Flutter

Learn how to shift focus to the next TextField or TextFormField in flutter applications. The whole idea is that when you’re done typing text in one TextField, we…

working with list in Dart/Flutter

How to Automatically Resize Flutter font size based on screen size

Automatically resize Flutter font size based on screen size accordingly to the width and height dimension of the device. There’re so many dimensions of mobile devices and because…